webWrap API examples

running in webWrap:
webWrap version:

+  cmd=authenticate
.touchId():  vibrate the mobile

+  cmd=navigator
.vibrate():  vibrate the mobile

+  cmd=playSystemSound(systemSoundCodeHexString)
  play system sound
SoundCode 0xNoSoundYet
Click any code in the table to try

+  cmd=scanBarcode()
  returns the code scanned as a string

+  cmd=statusBar
.isHidden:  status bar hidden state "true"/"false"
statusBar.isHidden() not requested yet.
.hide():  hides status bar
statusBar.hide() not requested yet.
.show():  shows status bar
statusBar.show() not requested yet.

+  cmd=torch
.status:  returns the state of the torch "ON"/"OFF"/"Error:..."
torch.status not requested yet.
.on():  turn on the torch and returns "OK"/"Error:..."
torch.on() not requested yet.
.off():  turn off the torch and returns "OK"/"Error:..."
torch.off() not requested yet.

+  cmd=webwrap
.version:  returns the version of webwrap currently running the page"
webwrap.version not requested yet.

Directly available in Safari

+  navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(... ,...)

  returns the location